To Be Your Trusted Property Professional




A Multidisciplinary Firm. Removing industry lines, to be the local expert on all property types through relationships, with excellence in service to our clients



We Connect

Passions and gifts to serve clients through a trustworthy, fulfilling and educational experience.

We Believe

Leadership provides the opportunity to serve others; whoever brings blessings will be enriched.

We Give

Time and resources to others by giving 10% of all profits to charities




Mathew 6:28-34

A vertical relationship needs to be established before we can make a horizontal impact. Focusing on the Heavenly Father will allow us to successfully tend to the needs at hand, serving clients and having a true relationship with others.


Genesis 1 :27 & Ephesians 3:6

Most companies will ask you to find a “why” to motivate yourself to work. Many people spend their lives and their careers chasing a leaderboard, material possessions, finances, etc. At BTB we ask, “where do you find your worth”? Did you know you’re a King’s Kid!? You are made in God’s image and are inherited into His Kingdom; with Him all things are possible.


Malachi 3:8-12

BTB considers finances as a tool to strengthen the Kingdom and Glory of God. GODonomics, giving 10 percent tithe first (before paying bills, payroll, etc.) may not always make sense to a standardized profit / loss report. BTB will stay faithful to this biblical principle, pay it first and watch opportunities open.


Exodus 20:5-6

BTB is building a company to last for generations to come, and to be a stable, influential company for the community. To be a company founded on God’s word to receive His mercy to the thousandths generation.


2 Samuel 5:20

We are in a relationship business and if we aren’t working with a clear mind we can start to take on false burdens. Burdens can be anything from an untruthful word someone says to us that we start to believe, self degradation from an unmet goal, or simply accepting the heaviness of a hard day at work. We have to learn to breakthrough these lies like a “breakthrough of water” (2 Samuel 5:20) allowing us to be the light and a steady advisor to our clients during a transitional time in their lives.



Ezekiel 39:7

Ezekiel was mute for eight years unless he was speaking what the Spirit told him to speak to the Israelites so that they would know His holy name. BTB conducts ourselves so that our actions speak louder than our words to glorify His holy name.


2 Kings 4:1-7

Many will say it takes hard work and a little luck to be successful in business and especially as an entrepreneur; that is a partial truth. The real truth is it takes God’s favor and hard work. The testimony in 2 Kings is a great reminder of the favor that can be poured out if we act in obedience. If you’ll recall, a family lost their father and the widow’s two sons were about to be enslaved to pay the family debt. They had nothing but a jar of olive oil. Guided by Elisha, they went to gather empty jars from the community around them, and NOT JUST A FEW. Upon returning, they closed the door and began pouring the one jar of oil they had into all the jars they had gathered and it didn’t stop pouring until the last jar was filled. They were able to pay off their debts and live on the rest. It’s hard work gathering jars and it takes quiet, private time to be obedient to God’s prompting and directing. However, the reward is even greater than the work or our commitment. Be disciplined and faithful and allow God’s favor to pour out on family and business. Ask the Lord what jars need to be gathered for expansion.



Established 2019

Building The Bluegrass was established in Lexington, KY in 2019 by Joey Svec, Adam Cramer, and Brad Boaz. Together they blended industry lines to create a multidisciplinary firm with Christ-like service. The firm combined Real Estate, Construction, Landscape, and Design to provide unparalleled service to their clients so that God’s name would be known. Brad and Joey grew up knowing each other in Lexington and reunited at the University of Kentucky where they both graduated with a degree in Landscape Architecture. From there they both pursued a career in the field. Brad stayed local at CMW and Joey went out to work at several national and international firms. Upon returning to Lexington in 2011, Joey worked at a local firm for five years as a Landscape Architect while obtaining a real estate license on the side in January 2015. In 2017 Joey transitioned into full-time real estate and by 2018 he obtained a brokerage license. With deep roots, Brad and Joey always felt the tug to run a business together but the time never presented itself until BTB was founded in 2019

JAN 2019

Founders First Prayer Meeting

FEB 2019

BTB Business Filing

Svec Group Renamed to BTB Realty

MAR 2019

First Renovation

MAR 2020

Grand Opening

The first office was opened on Clays Mill Rd in Lexington, KY. The office space was rented for two years and in April 2022 the business purchased the suite. The office opened with three real estate agents, including team leader Maria Gillette, construction manager Adam Cramer, a lead designer and landscape specialist Brad Boaz, and the principal real estate broker Joey Svec.

SEPT 2021

Foundational Growth

2021 was a historically tough year in business across the country, and within BTB, however, out of those challenges came a foundational shift in our company. We had to look inward and ask God the Father how a company should be run in order to glorify His name. Out of that search BTB developed Foundational Principles. The Lord opens new doors and shows new revelation with acts of obedience.

DEC 2023


Our greatest year of growth and a bright future


Vision for 2024